Problems faced by Pakistani students while choosing their career
A career is something important in everyone's life. This phase came in everyone's life and it is to be considered the most important phase of life. When I listen to the word “Career it always scares me, but this does not happen to every kid, especially I am talking about those kids who have average IQ and lack talent. You can take my example I was an average student throughout my school life. Average in studies and below average in co-curricular activities and I am still doing average in my college. So, I want to share some problems faced by me while selecting the career. The problems would be more but I want to talk about those I faced while choosing my career.
The first thing is not a problem but sometimes it becomes a huge problem. I'm talking about our personal preference which is sometimes considered as nothing. No one wants to talk about your preference they just give opinions. Everyone has their personal preference we should respect it. In Pakistan, a majority of parents want to select a career for their child without asking them. They just think that what they say is good for their kid what he thinks doesn’t matter. But I think parents should always ask their kids about their preferences first then just give them an opinion that’s it. After this, it's up to the kid whether he wants to change the opinion into his career or not. While the kid was choosing a career parent should always play the role of a career counselor. But the sad reality is that the majority of parents always choose a career for their kids. I am just here for suggestions and after reading this it's up to parents either they want to change or not.
The other problem faced the majority of kids while they were choosing their career. It’s kind of a convention in Pakistani society usually kids are not allowed to do things on their own. In every aspect of their life, they have to get permission either its food, clothes, etc. If parents don’t allow their kids to make their decisions on small things, then how they allow them to choose the career of their own choice. It’s not bad but my point is parents should give their kids some personal space. The other factor is this if parents are in a particular field, they want their kids to choose the same field for example if one of the parents or both are doctors so they want one of their kids to be a doctor. So, my suggestion here to the parents is please do not force their kids for something he will do if he wants to. Pressure does not do anything right; it always goes wrong. Instead, of forcing you can give him suggestions just like his supporting friend.
The next problem I want to highlight is the bizarre problem but Pakistani kids have to go through this whenever they do something which doesn’t match society’s low- high standards. In Pakistan, society plays the most important role in our life sometimes it’s good but most of the time it’s bad. As we all know every kid is not born talented some have to work hard to meet the standards of society. As I mentioned earlier that I am an average student. My grades are average, my IQ is average, and I don’t have any problem with it. Every kid is not the topper some are topper and some are average. I Don’t know why our society thinks that the kid who doesn’t get good marks is useless. They are just humiliating the kid instead of encouraging. As a part of society is our duty to motivate and support the youth because they are the future of the country but some people do not stop doing these things. So, if you can’t motivate someone please don’t give suggestions as well, we don’t need that.
The next problem which I think happens a lot in Pakistan is gender inequality. In Pakistani society, you can’t see women in every single field they don’t get freedom as men do. In some field’s women don’t get appreciation as men. Like some middle-aged men think that they are superior and they can do everything but in the case of youth their way of thinking is composed when they see women getting success in something and they are doing better than men. I think 60 percent of youth is mature than any other age group and when they see women gets success, they always support but sad reality bad people are everywhere the same as our society. I suggest they please stay away from women you don’t own them they have self-respect and rights and they are a lot stronger than you, you just better wait and watch the days are near when the women will acquire the world.
These are some problems most of the students have gone through while choosing their career. At the very end of the problem, there is some advice as well. These suggestions are by myself. These are what I think you should follow if you fall into some of these sectors.