5 min readJan 17, 2021

How society becoming the reason for mental illness in youths

Mental health is something which is all around the world and the cases are increasing day by day. There are many causes of the increase in mental health issues. But the one thing which always came to my mind whenever I listen to them. The cause itself is very ridiculous and small but sometimes small times smaller bombs create a great boom. The cause which I am talking about society or we can say the inference of society in every personal matter. This doesn’t happen in every part of the world but I can assure you the cause of increasing mental health cases especially in youngsters is caused by society in Pakistan. After reading these above-mentioned lines you were probably thinking that how society becomes the cause of mental health issue then let me explain.

The first thing is the interference in every matter. In Pakistan, usually, parents make decisions for their kids until they got married which not bad at all but when relatives interfere in every matter it will become a huge mess. Let me explain with an example if I was finding my career my parents will for sure suggest to me something which is not related to my preference and instead of asking my viewpoint, they will for sure get me admission in their favorite. The next step will be they will ask our relatives what field is good for me instead of asking me. This is wrong. My personal preference is my basic right your responsibility to ask me first about my career, not us relatives. But instead of asking me, our society and parents always take part to take my morals and self-respect down. This was a big example let's just talk about everyday routine this is a true story a few months back I want my hair short just because I need a change in life. After reading the above-mentioned lines you will probably guess the remaining story my parents don’t allow just because of what our family and society will react. They will get offended or whatever. After a struggle of more than two months, my mom allows me to have short hair. After reading the above-mentioned story now you guessed we don’t have the right to talk about personal preference I know that most of the time our parents do best for us but we need personal space. If you are meeting first a Pakistani parent you will probably think that they are the most supportive thing in the world but NO the just say that whatever their kid want they will support them but, in the end, they will do whatever they want. Now you can imagine why this mental health issue is increasing when a kid doesn’t have any freedom to fulfill their basic dreams then how can you expect him to be happier mentally and physically. So, here I request parents please ask kids before taking any decision to ask them, they have feelings and preferences as well. Please support them they are big enough to make decisions about their everyday task. Please ask them if you want their future to be secured. Here I am not offending my parents I am just giving you an example of how parents in Pakistan take decisions of their kids instead of thinking about their child's choice they first think that how relatives and society react. Now you can imagine that there is a lot of pressure on them just because society and they are the part of society as well. If parents take decisions under the pressure of someone then someone else's parents also take decisions under the pressure of parents. This thing contaminates society and becomes the major reason for the increasing rate of mental health issues.

The second and most important thing stop comparing your child with every other one in society. You are probably wondering how parents compare their kids with others. Here is an explanation about it. I am an average student in studies and blow average in co-curricular activities and I don’t have any problem with it but no every parent thinks that if a student is a topper then his kid can also be one. NO this is wrong. Every child has their capacity and has his IQ how can you think that if one can do that so everyone can do that. Yes, everyone can do it but in a different way. If someone is a topper everyone cannot be. we have to accept the fact that everyone is not a topper. Winners and losers make society. Sometimes winners become looser and vice versa. But our parents don’t think that we have different IQ and different capacity. Everyone is different. Now came to society if parents compare, they're and don’t support then how can we expect the third person to respect your stance. So, society as well doesn’t like them and started comparing them with others. As a result, kids become a mental health patient.

The next problem is giving them bits of advice about their style and career. I think this good at a certain limit but when it crosses the limit it becomes a huge tension. Our parents have the right to talk about our preferences and they have the right to object as well. We respect our parent’s stance but when the third person then it is unacceptable. Our parents are here and they what to object to and what to not but why society. If parents are allowing that you don’t have any right to talk about it. Now you are probably thinking about what they talk about. They will talk about everything from your profession to your style even though they will talk about the way walk and talk. You are thinking that they were complimenting no way they complement you they just humiliate you and your style. Here I am addressing society please do your work you are not someone to us and you don’t have any right to talk about our preference. We know what we are doing and what is good for us. please mind your own business. You are not someone important to us.

In the end, I want to say please secure the future of the world and stop doing above mentioned things. The youngsters are the future of country of the world please don’t ruin it. This world needs them. The world is already on the verge of chaos we need to save it. We can secure the world by allowing youth. Please support the stance of youth they are somehow making the world better. Please share this with your friends and parents. Thanks.


Written by Khansakalsoom

Hi, I am Khansa. I write because there are a lot of stereotypes I want to break and writing is the best medium.

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