7 min readMay 2, 2021

Bold Risk

Before diving into this topic, we need to learn that what is a risk. How does it feel? What are the factors of taking the risk and a lot more? Let me tell you the answer to the first question: What is a risk? Risk implies future uncertainty about deviation from the expected outcome. In simple words, we can say that risk is a step towards dreams. Now the question arises, why we take a risk? We took a risk for the sake of our passion, hope that this risk leads us somewhere. I think passion is the leading force behind every risk-taker. Passions are the major weakness and strength. Sometimes it is easy to fulfill your passion. Sometimes you have to take a bold risk. Now the question arises, what is a bold risk? Whatever bold action you take, they are confident and fearless.

Before writing this topic, I researched the famous risk-takers globally. After reading their life stories. There are some steps they follow to reach that milestone. They are as follows:

  • Accept the failure.

Whenever we start a new business, we do not always succeed. Sometimes you fail. It is not bad. When you do not try again, It is disagreeable. Try to accept your failure. Try again until you get success. Trust me. It will be alright.

  • Stay focus.

In my opinion, determination and consistency are supreme factors for achieving something. When you are focused, you can do your work more efficiently. As I mentioned earlier, passion is a biggest weakness and strength. We should take our passion as a strength, not a weakness. After all, it is in our hands how we succeed in our own goal.

Understand what you are going to do.

Before diving into something, we need to learn it utterly. We should know the pros and cons. Try to think about the consequences. Make a backup plan. Gain some knowledge and skills you are good to go.

  • Give your best.

As I mentioned earlier, passion is a biggest weakness and strength. We should take it as a strength, not a weakness. When you give your 100 percent, your passion will automatically become your strength. At the start, in some cases, you face difficulties. But after some tries, you will become the expert in your passion. So, give your 100 percent. The result will be fruitful.

There are millions of risk-takers out there. All of them give their 100 percent just for the sake of their passion. Some of them are as follow:

  • Bill Gates

The billionaire Bill Gates took a risk while founding Microsoft. He had to drop out of college to help create Microsoft. He took a business based on his vision that the personal computer would be a practical tool in every office and home. Bill Gates was prepared to travel in the wildness of the unknown and would do anything to win. He even went up against Steve Jobs and was threatened to copy or borrow ideas from great inventors and tech companies. It paid off in the end when his company becomes a tech giant worth billions of dollars.

  • Jeff Bezos

Founder and CEO of Jeff Bezos's success has been hugely due to the risk he has been taking throughout his career. Jeff Bezos started his first company from the garbage in 1995. By 1998 he was in charge of a 22.1-billion-dollar market presence.

  • Elon Musk

Elon Musk, Co-founded PayPal, created America First viable fully electric car company Tesla Motors. He started as the nation's biggest solar energy supplier and rolled the dice with NASA to launch his space of 15 exploration company SpaceX all in 15 short years. Elon has managed to solidify Tesla Motors in high-risk, high-cost energy. He faced critics and risk when he founded his own SpaceX mission to Mars and was on the verge of company collapse when he played Russian Roulette between funding both failing companies Tesla and SpaceX, Not knowing if both companies fall past or not. Elon Musk is known as a massive risk-taker of this generation.

  • Arianna Huffington

As the founder of one of the first and most commercially successful online new publications, the Huffington Post. As well as the health and wellness project Thrive, Arianna Huffington has always been a self-starter. She studied economics at the University of Cambridge, and by 2005 had penned several books, started in a TV show, and built a career as a successful journalist. When Arianna proposed launching a new media platform, she was discouraged by naysayers even within her own family, who warned her to be wary of failure. Instead, she put in the hard work to gain investor buy-in and build the first opinion-based online news outlet of its kind.

  • Oprah Winfrey

Perhaps the most successful women entrepreneur globally, Oprah Winfrey has created a multimedia brand legacy and launched multiple philanthropic organizations during her career. With her television network and media empire. She focuses on literature, spirituality, and self-improvement have paved the way for a new era of confessional media. Winfrey has fought shoot and nail for every hit of her success. Following a turbulent and improvised childhood in Mississippi and Wisconsin, Winfrey received a full scholarship to Tennesse State University and eventually broke into the TV and radio journalism industry. It was not until the mid-80s that she decided to risk her financial security by signing a deal to host her television program. The Oprah Winfrey Show went on to become the highest-rated program of its kind in history. Winfrey proves the measured risk-taking can yield great reward- even if it takes a few tries: Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it, try again, do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who mount the higher wire. She spoke.

  • Vera Wang

The daughter of Chinese immigrants, Vera Wang, attended the University of Paris and received a degree in art history from Sarah Lawrence College. She was hired as an editor for Vogue immediately out of college, becoming the youngest publishing editor. After 17 years with the magazine, Wang joined Ralph Lauren. It was not until she was 40 years old that she took her massive risk: she sacrificed her financially stable career working for a top designer to launch her label. As a trailblazer, Wang offers encouragement to entrepreneurs. Who does not fit the stereotype of the young, teach world type? At the 2013 CFDA Fashion Awards, where she received a lifetime achievement award, she said: I did not come into this like all these teenagers who do not know better. I was not a young new designer-but I was a new designer and had to go through those growing pains. The risk was apparent to me.

The risk was well worth it in the end: Wang is regarded as one of the most prestigious American fashion designers, having designed custom gowns for high-profile clients Michelle Obama, Alicia Keys, and Kim Kardashian.

After getting some information about these risk-takers. I came through some factors: why risk-takers are more successful. These factors are as under:

  • They are stubborn about their passion.

They are stubborn and concerned about their passion. Willing to take a risk. Do not care about the opinions of others. The only thing they care about is their passion. They have faith that they can do. They are doing it.

  • They do not fear failure.

The first step of a risk-taker, he becomes passionate about his passion. After that, he tests their passion and abilities. If he fails at first, he will try again. He does not fear failure.

In the end, I want to say a slow and steady win the race. You are only competing with yourself for the sake of your passion. Time is everything and use it. Take your time and aim for the risk. Trust me. It will be alright. Thanks.


Written by Khansakalsoom

Hi, I am Khansa. I write because there are a lot of stereotypes I want to break and writing is the best medium.

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